Sunday, May 1, 2022

Synchronize commands across panes in tmux

One of the neat feature of tmux is, it has the ability to synchronize commands typed in one pane to all pane in the same window in tmux. This trick will help you run command across multiple terminals with just one time typing. 

One example, that this might come in handy, is if you have 4 servers to be updated, you can just fire up a tmux, split the window into 4 panes, and ssh to each server in each pane. Set synchronize pane option, and you just have to run the command once, and the command will be repeated in all panes.

To use this, we need a windows splitted into at least 2 panes.

First, start a tmux session
$ tmux

Once inside tmux, do a horizontal split by pressing 
ctrl-b "

To turn on syncrhronize-pane
ctrl-b :

Then type
setw synchronize-panes on

Now you can type in one pane, and the command will be repeated in other panes as well.

To turn off synchonize-panes mode, type
ctrl-b :

Then type
setw synchronize-panes on

Good luck

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