Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Running a postgresql database using singularity

First, we need to pull the postgresql image from dockerhub

singularity pull docker://postgres:14.2-alpine3.15

The image will be saved as postgres_14.2-alpine3.15.sif. Now, create an environment file
cat >> pg.env <<EOF
export TZ=Asia/Kuala_Lumpurt
export POSTGRES_USER=pguser
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypguser123
export POSTGRES_DB=mydb
export POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS="--encoding=UTF-8"

Create 2 directories for data and run
mkdir pgdata
mkdir pgrun

Run the container. The options are -B to bind mount local directory to container, -e to clean environment before running the container, -C to start the container with PID, IPC and environment, and --env-file is to pass the environment variables in the file to the container
singularity run -B pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data -B pgrun:/var/run/postgresql -e -C --env-file pg.env postgres_14.2-alpine3.15.sif

The postgresql will be listening on localhost at port 5432. To test it out, just open another terminal, and use the same postgres_14.2-alpine3.15.sif to run psql
singularity exec postgres_14.2-alpine3.15.sif psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d mydb


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