Friday, August 7, 2020

SSH tunnelling to bind on all interfaces

Most of the time, we would not need this, since tunneling to a localhost is all we need to achieve our objective. Until one day, I have the requirement to actually tunnel my "behind the firewall" port to a public IP of a remote server. And here is how I do it.

Actually you can specify which IP you want the tunnel to be set up to. Let's say we want to set up a local tunnel on port 2222 of the address, connected to localhost port 22 at the remote server.

$ ssh -L user@remote.server.ip.address

If we want the tunnel to listen to all IPV4, we can do like below

$ ssh -L user@remote.server.ip.address

If we want just IPV6, we can do as below

$ ssh -L "[::]:2222:localhost:22" user@remote.server.ip.address

If we want the tunnel to listen on all interfaces, we can do like below

$ ssh -L \*:2222:localhost:22 user@remote.server.ip.address

That's all, happy tunnelling :)

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