Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Mounting cdrom

If you are using a pc with linux that does not have automount feature, here are the steps that you can do to mount it on linux terminal.
  • After inserting the cd, create a folder. Usually we create a folder inside folder /mnt. Type --> mkdir /mnt/cdrom.
  • To mount it, type --> mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom. This step will mount the content of the cdrom to the folder /mnt/cdrom
  • After you finish, just type --> umount /mnt/cdrom to unmount it from the folder.
You can also use this steps for other devices such as flash drive. To check where is the folder containing the device, type --> df.
This command is for the user to see disk space usage.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

List your hardware

If you want to view the hardware spec of your pc, you can use this command
--> lshw
This is how you see the hardware spec on your pc.

By default, this command is installed on ubuntu linux but not installed on Centos. You can use you tools like yum to install it
--> yum install lshw

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Creating translation for dotproject

Dotproject is an open source project management system. It is built by default based in English language but whomever wants to translate it to their own native language, dotproject provide language management where the user can use other language in their dotproject. There are two ways to do this translation. First, if available, you can download the pre-translated configuration files from the internet and embed it in your dotproject system. Second, if there is no translation for your language available, you can create your own translation files and do the translation yourself. In this guide, I would like to show you how to do the translation yourself.
The steps:
  1. Create a new directory under dotproject/locales directory and name it according to your language iso code. Give appropriate permission to this folder (ex: write permission for others). The code can be found at locales.php inside yor newly created folder. This is the content of the file(put it inside php tags):
$dir = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$LANGUAGE['aa_BB'] = array($dir, 'Language Name (in English)', 'Language name (in Language)', 'xxx');

  • aa_BB is the iso 2 character language code 'aa', followed by the ISO 2 character country code 'BB' (
  • The first instance of the language name should be in English The second should be in the native language. The last field 'xxx' is the Microsoft language code (
Example of locales.php file for Bahasa Melayu(put it inside php tags):

$dir = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$LANGUAGES['ms_MY'] = array($dir, 'Malay', 'Bahasa Melayu', 'msl');

2. Create file lang.php inside the newly created folder. The content of the file is similar to the locales.php

3. Log in as system admin to your dotproject system. Go to System Admin > Translation Management and choose your language from the drop down menu. Start translating. DO NOT attempt to edit the INC files directly to create your translation - it won't work.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

How to install yum on SuSE Linux 10.2

People using suse are familiar with yast. But in this article, I want to show how you can install yum, on your suse machine.

1. Download yum and all its dependencies from this link:

yum-metadata-parser (used option --nodeps)

2. Install them all using this command: -> rpm -Uvh (name of packages above)
but for yum-metadata-parser use -> rpm -Uvh --nodeps yum-metadata-parser

3. Prepare yum config file
a. -> cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
b. create file with .repo (ex: suse.repo) containing:
name=OpenSUSE_10.2 Base

4. yum is ready for usage.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

how to check your kernel version

Sometimes you want to know the particulars about the kernel of your linux. This can be done using uname command.
To check kernel version:
->uname -v
To check kernel release:
->uname -r
To check kernel name:
->uname -s